How to Avoid Unnecessary Relationship Conflicts
In this video, I’m going to explain how couples can sometimes find themselves in these kinds of situations based on thinking styles and individual filters. More importantly, I’m going to explain how you can begin preventing and overcoming these problems by communicating effectively, in order to start having the kind of relationship you want.
This Is Why Most Relationships Fail | Failure to Adapt
In this video, we’re talking about one of the common reasons relationships do not work. The failure to adapt to your current partner based on our own personal preferences and expectations from past relationships is one of the most common reasons relationships face repeated conflict and ultimately do not succeed. It is unrealistic for a significant other to expect you to change who you are at your core, but it is very reasonable for them to expect you to adapt. Take a look at this video to find out more.
While we will use the term ‘fail’ it is important to recognize that the inability of a relationship to succeed is due to a variety of factors and ultimately need not be viewed as a fail if it led to self improvement.
What is PTSD? Part 1
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? We’ve all heard of it, but sometimes we’re not exactly sure what it is. In today’s video, we’re explaining what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is and all of the symptoms associated with it. We’re also going to explain why we experience particular symptoms. It’s very much possible and also common to live with PTSD without even knowing it. So if you or someone you know have been feeling or behaving ‘strangely’, this video could provide a lot of clarity.
What is PTSD? Part 2
Part 2 of our video explaining Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
How to Deal with Depression & Anxiety | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT is a highly effective evidence based approach to treating depression and anxiety, and many other emotional/ mental health based concerns. In this video, you will learn the basics of CBT and how you can apply it to your day to day life.
How To Deal With Depression & Anxiety Challenge | CBT Thought Record
This video, will teach you step by step how to deal with depression and anxiety by applying the CBT technique of thought recording to your life within your specific situation.
How To Stop Panic Attacks Fast
In this video, we will be teaching you How To Stop Panic Attacks Fast and Naturally with two powerful techniques. With regular practice, these techniques will not only help you stop each anxiety attack as it occurs, but they will also reduce how often they occur, and how long they last. You’ll also notice that situations that used to cause you a lot of anxiety will start to feel less stressful.
What is Anxiety?
What is Anxiety? In today’s video, we’re answering this question and more. We’re going to discuss the symptoms, explain why we experience them, different factors that may be contributing to how much anxiety we feel, and what can happen when anxiety goes unchecked. Finally I’ll leave you guys with some quick tips on how you can deal with it.
Is 2020 Really The Worst Year? Coping with Lockdown Anxiety
2020 has been a year unlike any other. We keep hearing about the worldwide economic toll of job losses and business closures. Many feel an overwhelming sense of boredom and anxiety as we await the return of our normal. But why do some appear to be thriving during the pandemic? In this video, we’ll be exploring this question and revealing the secret to managing Covid-19 lockdown anxiety.
How To Deal With Depression & Anxiety | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Kids
In this video, you will learn how our thoughts and emotions connect to our actions and you'll also learn the basics of CBT. After that, you'll learn a variety of common unhelpful thinking categories we all use that tend to lead us to feeling badly about ourselves, our lives, and those around us. Once you have all of that information we'll give you some really great tips you can apply to your life and your specific situation.
This Is Why Most Relationships Fail | Common Sense
In this video, we’re talking about one of the common reasons relationships do not workThe idea that certain things are common sense is one of the most common reasons relationships face repeated conflict and ultimately do not succeed. We erroneously make assumptions about the intent of others and imagine they have the ability to read our minds based on the idea that he/she should automatically know certain things. This unhelpful belief is one of the issues underlying poor communication. We propose instead that common sense does not actually exist. Watch this video now to learn more.
While we will use the term ‘fail’ it is important to recognize that the inability of a relationship to succeed is due to a variety of factors and ultimately need not be viewed as a fail if it led to self improvement.
Understanding Relationships with Narcissists | HBO THE UNDOING Therapist Reacts
In this video, we’re talking about what it means for a person to truly exhibit a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To paint a clear picture of this concept, we’re using HBO’s show “The Undoing”. If you’ve been in a romantic relationship with a person living with narcissism or perhaps several, you may have started to ask yourself whether you are a magnet for narcissistic abuse. We will clearly explain some of the key some of the key characteristics of persons living with narcissism that draw us to them as well as some of your own key characteristics that may have made you the ideal mate/ target for a person living narcissism. We reveal some of the person living with narcissism's most powerful psychological strategies and tactics. Once you understand these, you will be better equipped to break this toxic relationship cycle and protect yourself from future entanglement in narcissistic abuse.
Exposure Therapy for Anxiety and Phobias | Part 2
Part 2 of our video on exposure therapy for overcoming phobias and situations that cause significant anxiety.
This Is Why Most Relationships Fail | Turning Your Partner Into The Problem | Part 1
In this video, we’re talking about communication -- an important part of any relationship. What’s important is not just that we communicate, but how we communicate. Words are very powerful and reveal the beliefs underlying them. It can be very helpful to voice complaints/ concerns to our significant other, but it is seldom helpful to criticize the character of our significant other. When we focus on our partner rather than the problem it can result in relationship insecurity and damage the sense of cohesion. Difficult conversations are just that — difficult, but our word choices can influence the outcome in a positive direction.
​While we will use the term ‘fail’ it is important to recognize that the inability of a relationship to succeed is due to a variety of factors and ultimately need not be viewed as a fail if it led to self improvement.
This Is Why Most Relationships Fail | Turning Your Partner Into The Problem | Part 2
Part 2 of our video explaining how to voice complaints/ concerns to our significant other by focusing on the problem without criticizing our signifiant other and turning him/her into the problem.
This Is Why Most Relationships Fail | Turning Your Partner Into The Problem | Part 3
Part 3 of our video explaining how to voice complaints/ concerns to our significant other by focusing on the problem without criticizing our signifiant other and turning him/her into the problem.
What Trauma Looks Like
In this video, we’re continuing our discussion on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The majority of people who experience trauma will not go on to develop PTSD. Also, PTSD can be expressed very differently amongst those living with it although many of the core features are likely to be present. Sometimes the behaviours of our loved ones don’t make sense to us, but its very important that we recognize that there are underlying causes for their behaviours and have empathy for one another.
How To Deal With Depression & Anxiety | CBT Cognitive Distortions
In this video, you will learn about some of the most common unhelpful thinking patterns that underlie our understanding of stressful experiences. You'll also learn why we have these thoughts and how it can affect our relationships.
How To Reduce Stress | Guided Relaxation
In this video, we will be teaching you How To reduce Stress using Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). With regular practice, PMR is a highly effective emotion regulation technique that can be used to address stress after work as well as for sleep, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and anger, etc.
What is Depression? | Symptoms Explained | 14 Tips to Deal With Depression
In today’s video we’re going to be talking about depression. More specifically, we’re going to start by talking about depression symptoms, from there we’re going to talk about the nature and purpose of some of the symptoms, we’ll then look at some potential contributing factors, and finally we’re going to end off with some tips on how to deal with some of these symptoms.
How To Reduce Stress | Guided Relaxation For Kids
In this video, we will be guide you step-by-step on how to reduce stress by squeezing different parts of your body. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re feeling stress, but then our bodies feel aches, pains, and stomach cramps. This activity is really great for dealing with that. It can also help if you’re having any trouble falling or staying asleep, feeling anxious or depressed, or feeling angry or irritable. It’s also really good to try after a hard day at school. With regular practice, this exercise can really work wonders for our bodies and our minds.
Mental Health During Covid 19 | How to Overcome Lockdown Fatigue
In this video, I’ll be revealing 11 of my top secrets for managing your mental health during this Covid-19 pandemic — whether its lockdown fatigue, anxiety, or depression. I recorded this video a few months back and nearly didn’t post it due to time constraints for video editing; However as many remain or have recently returned to lockdown I’ve decided to share some of the most effective ways you can ensure your mental well-being and exit this pandemic thriving rather than just surviving.
Back To School: How to Stay Focused
In this video, we’ll share 7 powerful tips for beating procrastination — allowing you to stay focused, organized, and complete tasks. This is especially helpful for back to school. Whether you’re struggling with school assignments, work projects, or organizing your home these strategies are highly effective for helping you stay on task. They are excellent for those with ADHD as well as those without, and may be used by both adults and kids alike. Stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling in control!
Social Media and Mental Health | Netflix The Social Dilemma | Therapist Reacts
In this video we’re talking about how social media impacts mental health and sharing our most powerful tips for preventing and managing the impact of social media use on your mental health. We'll do so while reviewing Netflix’s The Social Dilemma.
Exposure Therapy for Anxiety and Phobias | Part 1
In this video, we’re talking phobias and situations that may cause a lot of anxiety. It includes step by step instructions on how you can gain control of your emotions in the situation and overcome the fear and anxiety. It is not intended as a substitute for guided one to one support with a licensed therapist. Rather it is most effective when used in conjunction with in session support through one of our licensed therapists in exposure therapy. If you are one of our clients receiving exposure therapy you may refer to this video in completing the exposure assignments recommended by your therapist.